Day 1 :
Keynote Forum
Christolyn Raj
The University of Melbourne | Australia
Keynote: Seeing through the eyes of artists: The Public Health impact of chronic eye disease
Time : 10:20-11:00

Christolyn Raj is an ophthalmologist who specializes in retinal disease and is director of Sunbury Eye Surgeons in Melbourne. She is also affiliated with The University of Melbourne Australia holding a Senior Lecturer position. Her interest in congenital eye disease spans years of research and she also holds a degree in Medicine and Public Health. She is involved in hosting several educational seminars focusing on public health implications of chronic eye disease and what needs to be done to address this in the clinical setting. Her education focus is not limited to the medical arena; she has been involved in lecture series to allied health students and professionals as well as the general public and early graduates of the University of Melbourne. A passion of hers is the arts and this topic takes an innovative approach on how the visual impact of eye conditions is a ‘real problem ‘in our society and current approaches on how we through science and medicine can look to improve our treatment of such conditions.
Statement of the Problem: Every hour in Australia, approximately 11 Australians are diagnosed with diabetes. Around the world, diabetes is predicted to increase by 55 per cent by the year 2040. Among the ocular complications of diabetes, diabetic maculopathy is the most common and potentially blinding. Typically, it affects individuals in their most productive years and has devastating complications on the patient as well as society as a whole. A recent epidemiology study estimated the prevalence of diabetic maculopathy to be 7 per cent of the Australian population but, within this group, almost half (39 per cent) had associated visual impairment
As eye care professionals, optometrists and ophthalmologists are the gatekeepers for this disease. If we educate our patients to manage their diabetes well, present early to their optometrists, and then refer them for treatment in a timely manner, this disease may be entirely reversible.
Methodology & Theoretical Orientation: To illustrate the nature of diabetic maculopathy I wanted to use the example of famous American impressionist Mary Cassatt, who was diagnosed with diabetes and developed severe complications of retinopathy. This, in addition to other ocular complications of cataracts, caused a premature end to her artistic career. Her fellow Impressionist artists gleaned rather inaccurately, from her poor progress, that cataracts alone – not diabetic retinopathy – was the grim reaper of an artist’s life.
Findings: Many of our young diabetic patients exhibit a similar outlook to their disease as Cassatt did. They are eager to continue their lives and work unperturbed by their diagnosis. How then can we enlist our patients to help in prevention of the devastating complications of diabetic maculopathy? Education is key. By getting patients involved in their diabetic care – they can gain control of this disease.
Conclusion & Significance: Eye specialists are often the first to see progression of diabetes as it frequently manifests as worsening maculopathy and/or retinopathy. It is therefore in our patients’ best interests that we co-ordinate the care from physicians promptly and provide feedback when we see signs of worsening eye disease.
Recent Publications
1. Dunstan D, Zimmet P, Wellborn T, et al. Diabetes and associated disorders in Australia 2000. The Accelerating Epidemic. Australian diabetes, obesity and lifestyle report 2001. Melbourne: International Diabetes Institute, 2001.
2. International Diabetes Federation, Diabetes Atlas 7th edition, 2015.
3. Sharma N, Ooi JL, Ong J et al. The use of fenofibrate in the management of patiemts with diabetic retinopathy: an evidence-based review. 2015 Vol 44.No6, 367-370.
Keynote Forum
Ray M Merrill
Brigham Young University, USA
Keynote: Prescription claims according to wellness program participation for a large employer in the United States
Time : 09:40-10:20

Ray Merrill’s expertise is in biostatistics and epidemiology. His research interests include analysis and modeling of trends in chronic disease incidence, mortality, and survival data; investigation of the impact of chronic disease treatment advances and increased utilization of screening tests on population disease statistics; methodologic investigations into new chronic disease measures, the relationships between incidence, mortality, and survival, and the impact of various biases on chronic disease statistics.
Worksite wellness programs that include biometric screening and health risk appraisal can identify the need for lifestyle change and prescription medication. Hence, there may be an initial increase cost in prescription medication, but the aim is to prevent more costly health problems in the future, as well as lower absenteeism and presenteeism. The purpose of the current study was to identify the number and total cost of prescription claims and copays for a large US employer according to wellness program participation, age, and sex. A retrospective analysis was conducted of prescription medication use among 6810 workers during 2013-2016. Those completing the wellness program were more likely women (32.5% vs. 22.9%, p < 0.0001) and younger (M=45.5 vs. 48.5, p < 0.0001). Approximately 72.7% (74.4% women and 68.6% men, p < 0.0001) filed a pharmacy claim. In 2013, there was no difference in number of claims filed or total cost between participants and nonparticipants. Mean number of prescriptions changed over the study period, initially increasing but then decreasing for wellness participants. Overall the decrease was 34.7% among wellness participants. The corresponding change for non-participants was an increase of 3.4%. Mean changes in total costs showed similar patterns. In 2016, program participants filed nearly 3 fewer claims, with total cost about $329 less, on average. Approximately 96.5% of employees filing a pharmacy claim made a copayment. Overall, copays consist of 6.4% of total insurance and employee expenditure on pharmacy claims. In conclusion, the biometric screening and health risk appraisal components of the wellness program resulted in an initial increase in number and total cost of pharmacy medication. However, over the four-year study period, the number of claims and total cost of pharmacy medication significantly decreased.
Recent Publications
1. Merrill RM, Frutos A. Reduced lung cancer mortality with lower atmospheric pressure. Dose Response. 2018;16(2):1559325818769484.
2. Merrill RM. Conditional relative survival among female breast cancer patients in the United States. Breast J. 2017;Epub ahead of print.
3. Merrill RM, Johnson E. Benefits of marriage on relative and conditional relative cancer survival differ between males and females in the USA. J Cancer Surviv. 2017;11(5):578-589.
4. LeCheminant J, Merrill RM, Masterson TD. Changes in behaviors and outcomes among school-based employees in a wellness program. Health Promot Pract. 2017;18(6):895-901.
5. Merrill RM, LeCheminant JD. Medical cost analysis of a school district worksite wellness program. Prev Med Rep. 2016;3:159-165.
6. Merrill RM, Thygerson SM, Palmer CA. Risk of injury according to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, comorbid mental illness, and medical therapy. Pharmacopsychiatry. 2016; 49(2):45-50.
Keynote Forum
Dawid Nidzworski
SensDx Ltd | Poland
Keynote: The new device for monitoring of epidemiology of upper respiratory tract infections
Time : 11:25-12:05

Dawid Nidzworski is an entrepreneur and scientist. A graduate both: the Faculty of Chemistry GUT and the IFB UG-MUG. He holds his PhD from IFB UG-MUG. Laureate of programs VENTURES FNP, IMPULS FNP, LIDER (NCRD), the SME Instrumens (H2020), “Fast Track” (NCRD), Masovia programme, TechMatStrateg and 4.1.4 PIOR Programme. He developed biosensor (FluSensDx) which will identify influenza virus in the patient's throat swab. He is also working on an edible vaccine against influenza virus for poultry (LIDER). He is the winner of many awards and scholarships. Co-author of several publications, congress reports and patent applications. His start-up company SensDx will revolutionize the way of medical diagnostics in the world.
Influenza is a contagious disease caught by humans and caused by viruses belonging to the family Orthomyxoviridae. Each year the Influenza virus infects millions of people and kills hundreds of thousands of them. Economic losses caused by employee absenteeism are counted in the hundreds of millions of dollars a year. In order to successfully treat influenza virus infections, it is necessary to detect virus during the initial development phase of the infection when tens to hundreds of viruses are present in the pharynx of the patient.
Streptococcus pyogenes belongs to the family Streptococcaceae and is one of the most popular pathogen causing bacterial infections of upper respiratory tracts. The early symptoms of infections of influenza virus and Streptococcus pyogenes are very similar and there is a huge problem to recognize and distinguish those pathogens and start appropriate treatment. Here, we present results of pre-clinical study of novel mobile technology for detection of influenza virus and Streptococcus. Our team developed single-use biosensor (MultiSensDx), universal reader and mobile application for early detection of two types of pathogens in only 5 minutes. Our technology is a useful tool in telediagnostic procedure and may be an internal part of many telecommunication platforms. We strong believe that this solution will have a huge impact on Public Health in the near future.
Complete system for introduction to telecommunications platforms
In our labs, we have developed a single-use test for detection of influenza virus, the universal reader (ready to detect other pathogens and biomarkers) and user friendly mobile application which helps in whole procedure of analysis.
Recent Publication
1. Nidzworski, D., Siuzdak, K., Niedziałkowski, P., Bogdanowicz, R., Sobaszek, M., Ryl, J., Weiher, P., Sawczak, M., Wnuk, E., Goddard III, W.A., Jaramillo-Botero, A., Ossowski, T. 2017. A rapid-response ultrasensitive biosensor for influenza virus detection using antibody modified boron-doped diamond. Scientific Reports 7: 15707 | DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-15806-7
2. Nidzworski, D., Pranszke, P., Grudniewska, M., Król, E., Gromadzka, B. 2014. Universal biosensor for detection of Influenza virus. Biosensors and Bioelectronics. 15 (59), 239-242.
- Epidemiology and Public Health | Medicine | Infectious Diseases | Surveillance | Genomic Research | Antibiotic Resistance | Congenital Heart Disease | Disease Control | Etiology
Location: Catullo

Roberto Antonio Flores
National University of Santiago del Estero | Argentina

Dawid Nidzworski
SensDx Ltd | Poland
Session Introduction
Elizabeth Irvin-Barnwell
Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry | Colorado
Title: Hurricane Maria Response in Puerto Rico: Developing app-based survey tools during disaster response and recovery
Ana Pinto de Oliveira
Arnaldo Sampaio Public Health Unit | Portugal
Title: Prevalence of sexually transmitted infections and their underreporting in a health region of Portugal, from 2015 to 2017
Angela Ragin-Wilson
Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry in Atlanta | Georgia
Title: Federal Research Action Plan on recycled tire crumb used on playing fields and playgrounds
Damien Mouly
French National Public Health Agency | France
Title: Waterborne disease outbreak surveillance system in France: Perspectives for nationwide surveillance
Cicilia Windiyaningsih
University of Respati | Indonesia
Title: Treatment of Cotrimoxazole prevention significantly improved CD 4 in HIV/AIDS patients
Ankita Shah
Indian Institute of Technology-Gandhinagar | India
Title: Engaging mothers for child nutrition: Qualitative insights from a mixed-methods impact evaluation of a community-based health literacy intervention
Amal Jamee Shahwan
INSERM UMR 1094, Tropical Neuroepidemiology, Limoges | France
Title: Epidemiology of cardiovascular disease and associated risk factors in Gaza - Palestine
Ana Pinto de Oliveira
University of Algarve | Portugal
Title: A disaster medicine curriculum for medical students
- Epidemiology and Immunology | Zoonosis | Sociology | Biostatistics | Environmental Health | Antibiotic Resistance | Infectious Disease | Congenital Heart Disease |Disease Control | Etiology
Location: Catullo

Roberto Antonio Flores
National University of Santiago del Estero | Argentina

Cristina Stasi
University of Florence | Italy
Session Introduction
Kawthar Al-ajmi
University of Manchester | UK
Title: Development of breast cancer risk prediction models using the UK biobank dataset
Kawthar Al-ajmi is a PhD student at university of Manchester in Epidemiology department. Kawthar has an expertise in statistical genetics, epidemiology and medial laboratory sciences. Her research interests are cancer epidemiology and public health. Kawthar and her supervisory team are developing an epidemiological tool for cancer to be used by public aiding for improving cancer education and prevention in the UK
We developed two individualized risk prediction models for breast cancer focusing on the modifiable risk factors using the UK Biobank data. The models have been built based on the menopausal status pre- and post-menopausal. A nested case-control study within the 273,467 female participants was used to develop the models. Bootstrap stepwise regression was employed to identify variables that best fit the models followed by conventional stepwise logistic regressions to confirm the set of variables. We employed machine learning decision tree classification analysis using the significant epidemiological risk factors to fit the trees and explore any interactions. We also used a Mendelian Randomization (MR) approach to seek further factors. A polygenic score of predisposition SNPs that reached GWAS significant p-value was incorporated into both models. Model performance was tested through calibration and discrimination for both models. We applied a cross validation approach of 10 folds to test internal validation. For model external validation, we plan to utilize breast cancer datasets from international cohorts.
The model provide risk scores derived from the presence or absence of specific factors and are converted to relative risk estimates to enable the comparison of individual risk to the population risk at the same age group. The models have the potential to help a woman modify her lifestyle. The models will be implemented in the primary care and community based facilities as part of breast cancer prevention initiatives with the main aims of improving cancer education and prevention.
Recent Publications
1-Risk of breast cancer in the UK biobank female cohort and its relationship to anthropometric and reproductive factors, July 2018. (Published)
2-Review of non-clinical risk models to aid prevention of breast cancer. (Accepted for publication)
3-Insulin-Like Growth Factor 1 Gene Polymorphism and Breast Cancer Risk among Arab Omani Women: A Case-Control Study, July 2012.
Ramazan Saglan
Eskisehir Osmangazi University | Turkey
Title: Evaluation of the relationship between social phobia and internet addiction in adolescents
Ramazan Saglan has been graduated from Cumhuriyet University, Turkey as medical doctor in 2013. He is a research assistant at Public Health Department of Eskisehir Osmangazi University Faculty of Medicine since 2015. He is interested in Preventive medicine and community mental health subjects.
Statement of the Problem: Adolescents with social phobia are trying to socialize via the internet in order to avoid the stress of face-to-face communication with others. However, if they cannot cope with the social challenges in the real world, the increased use of the internet to provide social support increases the risk of the individual being addicted to the internet. The aim of the study was to determine the frequency of social phobia and to evaluate the relationship between internet addiction among high school students.
Methodology: This cross-sectional study was performed on high school students in semi-rural area of Eskisehir (Turkey) in 2017. The study group included 793 (91%) students educated in school during the study and agreed to participate in the study. Social phobia was assessed by the Social Phobia Scale for Çapa Children and Adolescents, and internet addiction was assessed by the Young Internet Addiction Scale. Logistic regression analysis was performed to determine the independent variables associated with social phobia.
Findings: Of the study group, 402 (50.7%) were male and 391 (49.3%) were female. The age of the students ranged from 14 to 18 years, with a mean age of 15.94±0.99 years. The frequency of social phobia was found 11.0% (n = 87) and internet addiction was found 11.7% (n = 93) in the study. In multivariate analysis, the prevalence of social phobia was higher in females (OR: 2.468), high school and over educated maternal education status (1.939), not good friend relationship (1.836) and have internet addiction groups (2.206) (for each; p≤0.05).
Conclusion & Significance: Social phobia and internet addiction are important health problems related to each other in adolescents. Social phobia can be prevented by controlled use of the internet. Screening programs on social phobia and internet addiction should be done in adolescents.
Table 1. Multiple logistic regression results of social phobia related factors in the study group
Variables |
Social phobia (%) |
OR (95% CI) |
p |
Gender |
Male |
6.7 |
1 |
<0.001 |
Female |
15.3 |
2.468 (1501-4.058) |
Maternal education status |
Primary and lower educated |
9.7 |
1 |
0.017 |
High school and over educated |
16.8 |
1.939 (1.128-3.333) |
Friend relationship |
Good |
9.3 |
1 |
0.022 |
Not good |
16.9 |
1.836 (1.093-3.083) |
Internet addiction |
No |
9.4 |
1 |
0.008 |
Yes |
22.6 |
2.206 (1.234-3.941) |
Recent Publications
1. Bayraktar, F. 2001. 'Ä°nternet kullanımının ergen geliÅŸimindeki rolü (Yüksek lisans tezi, Ege Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Ä°zmir)', UlusalTezMerkezi/tezSorguSonucYeni. jsp adresinden edinilmiÅŸtir.
2. Demir, Türkay, Demet Eralp-Demir, ErdoÄŸan Özmen, and Ömer Uysal. 1999. 'Çapa Çocuk ve Ergenler için Sosyal Fobi ÖlçeÄŸinin geçerlilik ve güvenilirliÄŸi', DüÅŸünen Adam, 12: 23-30.
3. Ko, C-H, J-Y Yen, C-F Yen, C-S Chen, and C-C Chen. 2012. 'The association between Internet addiction and psychiatric disorder: a review of the literature', European Psychiatry, 27: 1-8.
4. Shepherd, Robin-Marie, and Robert J Edelmann. 2005. 'Reasons for internet use and social anxiety', Personality and individual Differences, 39: 949-58.
5. Young, Kimberly S. 1998. 'Internet addiction: The emergence of a new clinical disorder', Cyberpsychology & behavior, 1: 237-44.
Ramazan Saglan
Eskisehir Osmangazi University | Turkey
Title: Evaluation of internet addiction and related factors in adolescents
Ramazan Saglan has been graduated from Cumhuriyet University, Turkey as medical doctor in 2013. He is a research assistant at Public Health Department of Eskisehir Osmangazi University Faculty of Medicine since 2015. He is interested in Preventive medicine and community mental health subjects.
Statement of the Problem: Adolescents have become a major population of Internet users. While Internet use is rapidly spreading, internet addiction becomes a serious problem in adolescents who have not yet completed their physical and psychological development. The aim of this study was to determine the frequency of internet addiction and related factors in adolescents.
Methodology: The study is a cross-sectional study performed on high school students in EskiÅŸehir (Turkey) in 2017. Ethical and administrative permissions were got for the study. In the study, multi-stage cluster sampling method was used according to settlement units and school types. In the sampling schools, a total of 3,468 students who agreed to participate in the study formed the study group. The Young Internet Addiction Scale was used to assess Internet addiction. Logistic regression analysis was performed to determine the independent variables associated with Internet addiction.
Findings: Of the study group, 44.2% were male and the age of the study group ranged from 14 to 18 years and the mean (SD) was 15.89 (1.20) years. The frequency of internet addiction among students was found 13.7% (n = 474). In a multivariate analysis, the risk of Internet addiction was higher among women (OR: 1.293), not living in core families (1.364), connecting to the internet via computers (1.674), who reported that they could not limit themselves to using the Internet (5.071), who were 10 years old or younger at the age of first internet use (1.312) and who reached the internet within the first hour after waking up in the morning (3.124) (for each; p≤0.05).
Conclusion & Significance: Internet addiction is an important health problem in adolescents. Internet addiction can be avoided by educating adolescents on the control of the internet and preventing children from using the internet in their at an early age by their parents.
Variables |
Internet addiction (%) |
OR (95% CI) |
p |
Gender |
Male |
12.3 |
1 |
0.028 |
Female |
14.8 |
1.293 (1.028-1.627) |
Family type |
Core family |
13.2 |
1 |
0.032 |
Other |
16.7 |
1.364 (1.028-1809) |
Internet connectivity tool |
Mobile Phone |
13.2 |
1 |
0.002 |
Computer |
17.0 |
1.674 (1.215-2.304)
Self-limitation on the use of the internet |
Yes |
5.9 |
1 |
<0.001 |
No |
27.8 |
5.071 (4.059-6.334) |
Age of first internet use |
>10 |
9.4 |
1.312 (1.023-1.682) |
0.033 |
16.0 |
Time to reach the internet after waking in the morning |
>1 hours |
3.5 |
3.124 (1.954-4.994) |
<0.001 |
15.8 |
Table 1. Multiple logistic regression results of internet addiction related factors in the study group
Recent Publications
1.Bayraktar, F. 2001. 'Ä°nternet kullanımının ergen geliÅŸimindeki rolü (Yüksek lisans tezi, Ege Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Ä°zmir)', UlusalTezMerkezi/tezSorguSonucYeni. jsp adresinden edinilmiÅŸtir.
2.Ko, C-H, J-Y Yen, C-F Yen, C-S Chen, and C-C Chen. 2012. 'The association between Internet addiction and psychiatric disorder: a review of the literature', European Psychiatry, 27: 1-8.
3.Moreno, Megan A, Lauren A Jelenchick, and Dimitri A Christakis. 2013. 'Problematic internet use among older adolescents: A conceptual framework', Computers in Human Behavior, 29: 1879-87.
4.Tsai, Chin-Chung, and Sunny SJ Lin. 2003. 'Internet addiction of adolescents in Taiwan: An interview study', Cyberpsychology & behavior, 6: 649-52
5.Young, Kimberly S. 1998. 'Internet addiction: The emergence of a new clinical disorder', Cyberpsychology & behavior, 1: 237-44.
Yasemin Saglan
Eskisehir Odunpazari District Health Directorate | Turkey
Title: Evaluation of gastroesophageal reflux disease and related factors in seasonal agricultural workers
Yasemin Saglan has been graduated from Cumhuriyet University, Turkey as medical doctor in 2012. She was a research assistant from 2013 to 2017 at Eskisehir Osmangazi University Faculty of Medicine, Turkey. She is currently working as a family medicine specialist in Eskisehir Odunpazarı District Health Directorate. Diagnosis and treatment of chronic diseases and community health projects are interests of her. In addition, she works in the smoking cessation clinic.
Statement of the Problem: Seasonal agricultural workers are agricultural workers migrating to places where agricultural demand is high, migrating to their own countries at the end of the season. This group is a vulnerable group because of the inadequacy of living conditions and the inability to reach basic human rights services (health, education). Our aim is to determine the frequency of gastroesophageal reflux disease in seasonal agricultural workers that is exposed to the worst conditions of working life.
Methodology: The study is a cross-sectional study was carried out on seasonal agricultural workers working in the countryside of EskiÅŸehir (Turkey) in 2017. A total of 536 seasonal agricultural workers agreed to participate in the study constituted the study group. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS®) Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) Scale was used to assess the frequency of gastroesophageal reflux disease in the study. Logistic regression analysis was performed to determine the independent variables associated with gastroesophageal reflux disease.
Findings: In the study group, 201 (37.5%) were male and 335 (62.5%) were female. The age of the seasonal agricultural workers ranged from 18 to 92 years, with a mean age of 39.05 ± 13.59 years. The prevalence of gastroesophageal reflux disease in seasonal agricultural workers was found 82.8 (n = 444) in the study. In multivariate analysis, gastroesophageal reflux disease was found to be higher in male (OR: 2.072), those age >30 (OR: 1.891), with monthly average income <500€ (OR: 5.200) and body mass index of ≥25 (OR: 1.962) (p ≤ 0.05 for each).
Variables |
GERD (%) |
OR (95% CI) |
p |
Gender |
Female |
79.4 |
1 |
0.007 |
Male |
88.6 |
2.072 (1.219-3.522) |
Age |
≤30 |
73.3 |
1 |
0.014 |
>30 |
87.4 |
1.891 (1.139-3.141) |
Monthly average income |
≥500 € |
52.4 |
1 |
0.001 |
<500 € |
84.1 |
5.200 (2.028-13.333) |
Chronic disease |
No |
78.8 |
1 |
0.093 |
Yes |
87.7 |
1.540 (0.931-2.547) |
Body mass index
<25 |
73.9 |
1 |
0.009 |
≥25 |
86.5 |
1.962 (1.182-3.256) |
Conclusion & Significance: In order to reduce the frequency of gastroesophageal reflux disease in seasonal agricultural workers, the average family income situation should be corrected and combated with obesity.
Table 1. Multiple logistic regression results of gastroesophageal reflux disease related factors in the study group
Recent Publications
1. Villarejo, Don. The health of US hired farm workers. Annual review of public health 24.1 (2003): 175-193.
2. Katz, P.O., Gerson, L.B., Vela, M. F. Guidelines for the diagnosis and management of gastroesophageal reflux disease. The American journal of gastroenterology, 2013. 108(3), 308.
3. Özseker B, Yasar NF, Bilgin M, Kurt Y, Balcioglu H, Bilge U. Turkish validation of National Institutes of Health (NIH) patient-reported outcomes measurement information system (PROMIS®) Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) scale. Biomedical Research. 2016.
4. Kutlu, Seher, and Ä°brahim Koruk. Migrant seasonal farmworkers: Health related quality of life and the factors that affect it. Turkish Journal of Public Health 12.2 (2014): 80-90.
5. Cohen E, Bolus R, Khanna D, Hays RD, Chang L, Melmed GY, et al. GERD symptoms in the general population: prevalence and severity versus care-seeking patients. Digestive diseases and sciences. 2014;59(10):2488-96.
Soad Redwane
Casablanca-Settat Region - Ministry of Health | Morocco
Title: Risks factors of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in Casablanca-Settat Region, Morocco 2012-2016
Soad Redwane is an epidemiologist in Casablanca-Settat Region - Ministry of Health, Morocco. Her Areas of Expertise is Infectious Diseases (epidemiology and control)
Background: Multidrug resistance tuberculosis (MDR-TB) is defined as resistance to isoniazid and rifampicin. In Morocco, The prevalence of MDR-TB is 0.48 % in new cases and around 12% in among the restatement cases. The aim of this study was to identify the risk factors for MDR-TB, in Casablanca-Settat region, Morocco.
Methods: This was a case control (1 cases: 2 controls) study design. That has included patients notified as between January 1st, 2012 and the December 31st, 2016 at the Center for the diagnosis of tuberculosis in the region. The cases are patients with MDR-TB and the controls are patients with drug-sensitive tuberculosis. In which the following factors were analyzed: socio-demographic and clinical characteristics, and MDR-TB patient contact. Data from MDR-TB cases and controls were analyzed using logistic regression. The association between the variables studied and MDR-TB was estimated by odds ratio (OR) with the 95% confidence interval. The analysis was performed using SPSS software version 24.0.
Results: One hundred sixty-eight cases and 336 controls were collected. A male predominance was noted in the two groups, the mean age was 37 years for the cases and 35 years for the controls. Multivariate analysis revealed that cases compared to controls were significantly more likely to have had a previous history of retreatment (OR = 60.9) or relapse after antituberculosis treatment (OR = 20.6) or a patient - contact with MDR-TB (OR = 10.5) or a hookah smoker (OR = 3.6) or have a low monthly income.
Conclusion: Our results emphasize that previous history of retreatment with first-line anti-tuberculosis drugs is the main risk factor regained, hence the interest of surveillance close and especially the application of the directly observed treatment, Short-Course (DOTS) strategy.
John Heironimus founded Fleming Scientific to develop novel dynamical approaches to understanding human populations where said offers augmentation to statistical and cognitive processes typically employed. FS has successfully characterized a wide variety of social and commercial populations based on the notion that stability accrues from states of order, in some dimensionality, that are the steady state solutions of dynamical processes. He holds degrees from Harvard and the University of Pennsylvania.
Emma Heironimus assisted in the development of the above paper and is a dual-enrollment student at UoL where she participates in trauma research.
Statistical processes commonly applied to healthcare datasets can overlook important dynamical relationships. However, understanding dynamicals often involves complex and
expensive modelling. We demonstrate a simple approach to “dynamical data mining” using Fourier transform and the Kuramoto model. We compare results from this approach to cross correlations using CDC’s ICD-113 data (1999-2016). We find that the ICD-113 is a synchronous anti-phase nodal system much like the spontaneous synchrony of pendulum clocks observed by Christiaan Huygens in 1665 (see image). It is a state of order in which ICDs are related phasallyabout common frequencies. We find that about 20% of these phasalrelationships are novel to the statistical approach and corroborated by research findings. Many of these novel insights appear to be complex time series relationships suggesting stronger linkages between initial conditions/care and final causes of death than statistics would typically reveal.
ICD-113’s state of order remains stable even as the mix of ICDs changes. This suggests that declining US healthcare productivityis perhaps more attributable to complex dynamical relationships within the system than to rising obesity or opioid abuse rates as often hypothesized. Given the system’s stablestate of order, we can simulate the impact of changing incidence of any one condition on all others without consideration of causality. As a synchronous system can reflect the influence of external factors, we also consider the possible influence of solar cycles. Using the SILSO dataset, we find consistency with ICD-113 (see image). Each ICD’s phasalrelationship to individual solar cycles allows us to infer its most likely time series relationship and possibly forecast future incidence on the same basis.
We offer several detailed examples of all points in our paper and conclude that simple “dynamical mining” offers an important augment to statistical processing of healthcare datasets.
Adélia Dalva da Silva Oliveira
Uninovafapi University Center | Brazil
Title: Violence against the elderly in the eyes of their caregivers: Subsidies for vocational training
Adélia Dalva da Silva Oliveira has her degree in Nursing from the Federal University of Piauí (1993), a master's degree in Public Policy from the Federal University of Piauí (2006) and a PhD in Public Policy from the Federal University of Piauí (2016). She is currently a professor and coordinator of the undergraduate course in Nursing at Uninovafapi University Center. She is the Contestant of the Municipal Health Foundation and the State Health Secretariat of Piauí. She has experience in Nursing, with emphasis on nephrology, hospital administration and urgency.
Statement of the Problem: To deepen the studies with the elderly within the Institutions of Long Stay, sent by the specialized police station of Teresina-PI, will allow a better understanding of the phenomenon and enable the implementation of preventive measures, with the management of public policies and maintenance of a peaceful family coexistence among the elderly Dependents and caregivers. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the training of elderly caregivers in the health care of the elderly victim of violence sent by the Office of Security and Protection to the Elderly in Teresina - PI.
Methodology: Field research, exploratory and descriptive, with a qualitative approach where the technique of open interview guided by a set of triggering questions was adopted. The study scenario was set up in Long-term Institutions for the Elderly (ILPI) located in the city of Teresina-PI. Data analysis was performed using the content analysis technique.
Findings: The caregivers of the elderly who worked at the ILPI for more than or equal to six months attended the institutionalized elderly who suffered any type of violence. It was found that it is up to the caregiver to alleviate feelings of abandonment, sadness, and loneliness through closer contact and direct assistance to family members. Conclusion: The caregivers consider the predominant intrafamily violence, being committed by those who share the daily life with the elderly and presents mainly through neglect and abandonment.
Recent Publications
1. Castro et AL (2013). Violence in old age: approaches in national indexed journals. Science & Collective Health, 18: 1283-1292
2.Coelho ER. et al (2013). Sociodemographic profile and health education needs among caregivers of the elderly in a family health unit in Ilhéus, Bahia, Brazil. Brazilian Journal of Family and Community Medicine, 8: 172-179
3. Damasceno CKCS, De Sousa, CMM, Moura MEB (2015). Violence against older persons registered at a specialized security and protection office for the elderly. Nursing Review UFPE on line, 10: 949-957
4. Freitas NMF, Spínola SCS. (2013). Violence against elderly: a forgotten reality. Mental health and social vulnerability, 104
5. Machado JC et al (2014). Intrafamily violence and the strategies of action of the Family Health team.Saude soc., São Paulo, 23: 828-840