Adélia Dalva da Silva Oliveira
Uninovafapi University Center | Brazil
Title: Violence against the elderly in the eyes of their caregivers: Subsidies for vocational training
Biography: Adélia Dalva da Silva Oliveira
Statement of the Problem: To deepen the studies with the elderly within the Institutions of Long Stay, sent by the specialized police station of Teresina-PI, will allow a better understanding of the phenomenon and enable the implementation of preventive measures, with the management of public policies and maintenance of a peaceful family coexistence among the elderly Dependents and caregivers. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the training of elderly caregivers in the health care of the elderly victim of violence sent by the Office of Security and Protection to the Elderly in Teresina - PI.
Methodology: Field research, exploratory and descriptive, with a qualitative approach where the technique of open interview guided by a set of triggering questions was adopted. The study scenario was set up in Long-term Institutions for the Elderly (ILPI) located in the city of Teresina-PI. Data analysis was performed using the content analysis technique.
Findings: The caregivers of the elderly who worked at the ILPI for more than or equal to six months attended the institutionalized elderly who suffered any type of violence. It was found that it is up to the caregiver to alleviate feelings of abandonment, sadness, and loneliness through closer contact and direct assistance to family members. Conclusion: The caregivers consider the predominant intrafamily violence, being committed by those who share the daily life with the elderly and presents mainly through neglect and abandonment.
Recent Publications
1. Castro et AL (2013). Violence in old age: approaches in national indexed journals. Science & Collective Health, 18: 1283-1292
2.Coelho ER. et al (2013). Sociodemographic profile and health education needs among caregivers of the elderly in a family health unit in Ilhéus, Bahia, Brazil. Brazilian Journal of Family and Community Medicine, 8: 172-179
3. Damasceno CKCS, De Sousa, CMM, Moura MEB (2015). Violence against older persons registered at a specialized security and protection office for the elderly. Nursing Review UFPE on line, 10: 949-957
4. Freitas NMF, Spínola SCS. (2013). Violence against elderly: a forgotten reality. Mental health and social vulnerability, 104
5. Machado JC et al (2014). Intrafamily violence and the strategies of action of the Family Health team.Saude soc., São Paulo, 23: 828-840