Marian Hanna, MPH
Tulane School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine
Submitted Date: 1/01/2018
Marian Hanna has her expertise in global health and disaster management. She recognizes that balance is critical amongst global systems of air, water, land and life. She is working in increasing awareness regarding crises of immensely rising populations fighting in opposition to inadequate food and natural resources. Climate change has brought irregularity and severe events which may be improved through education and lifestyle changes to cultivate resilience in the face of varying environments.
Understanding the development of the biosphere and the dependence of health and well being on natural systems display the importance of environmental health issues such as global climate change. The balanced carbon exchange between the Earth’s surface and atmosphere offers the planet’s habitability. This balance constantly varies due to expansion of agriculture, industrialization, deforestation, and anthropogenic burning of fossil fuels, like gas, coal and oil, which triggers variations in the Earth’s climate system. A Literature review reevaluated data from twelve well-cited articles in the climate impacts literature, which ascertain impacts on numerous components, including agricultural yield, health impacts, economic development, and civil concerns. The impacts of global climate change result in further recurring wildfires, extended events of drought, upsurges of tropical storms, shrinking glaciers, sea elevation, broken up lakes, modified ranges of plants and animals and plants flowering prematurely. Conclusion & Significance: Global climate change has also caused negative effects on human health, and lengthier, more severe heat waves. The literature published demonstrates that the climate change expenses will rise throughout time. Environmental health issues should be described by means of methods understood by the general public. Humans, wildlife and vegetation are obligated to adapt to the impacts of climate change to survive, as well as protecting and preserving their habitats to prevent further damage from occurring. Recommendations are made to decrease or evade critical health impacts through adaptation and modification of behaviors.