Z Abidli
Ibn Tofail University, Morocco
Title: Epidemiological studies of poisoning by pesticides in Morocco
Biography: Z Abidli
In Morocco, a first assessment of the extent of pesticides poisoning, although not exhaustive, is made possible by the Moroccan Anti-poisoning and Pharmacovigilance Center (MAPPC). This work aims to study the epidemiological characteristics of volunteers poisoned by pesticides and to analyse their impact on human health. This is a retrospective study of all cases of pesticide poisoning reported in Morocco between 2008 and 2014, compiled by the MAPPC. The data carriers used in this study are the Toxicovigilance sheets and the medical records that are set up for Toxicological Information. The methodology used is based on the descriptive statistics and the Principal Component Analysis (PCA). During the study period, the MAPPC had collected 2690 cases of poisoning by pesticides, this type of poisoning mainly affects adults (61.97% of cases) and 68% of addicts are female, with a sex ratio of 2, (P<0.001). However, suspect products are insecticides with about 55.86% cases of poisoning, the majority of which presented in a moderate condition (Grade 2) with 32.10%. The central and peripheral nervous system is the lead of the systems affected with 52.66% of cases, with a specific lethality of 7.5% (the number of deaths being 6 subjects). Patients presented several neurological signs including Convulsions and clonic seizures, Obnubilations, Agitation, Headache, and Coma respectively with 17.61%; 10.56%; 7.75%; 7.04%; 6.34% of cases. The principal component analysis makes it possible to distinguish two large groups, the male ones with different signs according to the period of poisoning, in winter with signs like nausea of asthenia and they generally are adults. The second group consists essentially of intoxicated children who usually show signs of vomiting, chills especially in spring and autumn. According to our results, pesticide poisoning is responsible for serious neurological effects, which should prompt us to implement regulations on the sale of pesticides in order to reduce the poisoning rate in Morocco.