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David Wroth

David Wroth

Underwriters Laboratories, USA

Title: Correlation of socio-economic factors with unintentional injury


Biography: David Wroth


To prioritize investments in unintentional injury prevention programs, Underwriters Laboratories developed The UL Safety IndexTM.  The Index is the quantification of the relative state of safety in 187 countries around the world. Based on societal drivers and outcomes related to unintentional injury, the Index measures the contributions of national resources and institutions, safety systems and frameworks and safety outcomes. Each of the potential Indicators and Drivers were analyzed for correlation with safety outcomes.  Safety outcomes were computed using WHO DALY data, normalized by population.  The analysis shows that all indicators exhibited a negative correlation with safety outcomes at a statistically significant level.  The UL Safety Index offers insights into how safety works as a system, with diverse influences such as education and technology coupled with specific approaches such as codes, standards and enforcement of laws and regulations.  This model and the research behind it supports the theory that, to improve safety, we must develop, implement and sustain a multi-layered, systems based approach.  As such, the UL Safety Index can be used to support efforts by governments, safety professionals, policy makers, the private sector and non-governmental organizations to understand and prioritize actions to improve safety around the world.  Investments in good government, education and economic development all correlate with fewer deaths and injuries from unintentional sources.  Indeed, this strategy helps to create a mutually beneficial scenario, in which multiple positive outcomes result from investments in key development areas.